"It is much easier to prevent cancer than to reverse it. The reason is simple: isolated cancer cells are not very strong and have no built-in support mechanisms, but once they take root and begin to multiply, they build awesome support systems and acquire a life of their own. In the case of tumors, for example, this includes the development of fully functional, complex vascular systems capable of providing tremendous amounts of nutrition and sustenance (unfortunately, at the expense of your body’s vital organs). Also, once they take root, cancer cells are able to manifest their most important attribute--immortality. Unlike normal cells in your body, which have a limited life span (one of the main reasons we age and die), cancer cells generally do not age and die. Functionally, they can live forever, and this gives them a major competitive advantage over healthy cells in your body.
Nevertheless, your body is capable of reversing an established cancer--doctors see it all the time and call it a spontaneous remission--but it is far easier to prevent cancer. What do you do to prevent or reverse cancer? This is the big question, isn't it? But unfortunately, I cannot prescribe or recommend any particular treatments in this book. That would be against the law. However, it is not inappropriate to give you some guidelines."
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Nevertheless, your body is capable of reversing an established cancer--doctors see it all the time and call it a spontaneous remission--but it is far easier to prevent cancer. What do you do to prevent or reverse cancer? This is the big question, isn't it? But unfortunately, I cannot prescribe or recommend any particular treatments in this book. That would be against the law. However, it is not inappropriate to give you some guidelines."
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